Drop Screwdriver
Unlike most drop screwdrivers, WNG's are intentionally made to be very short. This allows the technician to easily steady his hand on the shank flanges while regulating.
WNG also offers two different versions of its Drop Screwdriver--one with a barrel and one without. The barrel helps to locate the tool on the drop screw, however, some technicians prefer not to have this barrel.
Balancier and Jack Regulating Tool
The handle and tool tip are the same on WNG's Jack and Balancier Regulating Tools--the only difference between the two are their lengths. The Jack Regulating Tool is the ideal length to reach in to the regulating screw on the jack.
The WNG Let-Off Tool allows you to adjust let-off button eye screws during a bench regulation. The tool's length is ideal for steadying your hand on the shank flanges and its tip is relieved so that it will not bind on the regulating screw.
*Please note that the WNG Let-Off Tool is designed for setting let-off on actions that use an eye screw. It is
not the appropriate tool for dowel regulating buttons.*
Damper Hook
Typically, piano technicians remove the damper to make the topbend--a process that is highly inefficient. When pianos are being manufactured, factory damper installer workers make this same bend while the damper is inside the piano, resulting is much less wasted time. WNG's Damper Hook enables piano technicians everywhere to use the factory's efficient method of making topbend while the damper is still inside the piano.
Dimension Gauges
WNG provides both metric and English gauges with the most common regulating dimensions used in bench regulations.
Backcheck Bender
The WNG Backcheck Bender was designed to be a comfortable yet functional tool with a slot to grip backcheck wire firmly and a tip with the ideal angle for bending backcheck wires.
Please note that this item is back ordered, call (573) 754-6690 for estimated ship date*