Search results for 'repetition'

Precision Analog Tension Gram Dial Gauge (5g)
Use for accurate determination of resistance in shank and repetition flange centers and all pinned articulating parts to ensure they operate within defined tolerances.

Part Number: 06-0334

Precision Analog Tension Gram Dial Gauge (10g)
Use for accurate determination of resistance in shank and repetition flange centers and all pinned articulating parts to ensure they operate within defined tolerances.

Part Number: 06-0336

WNG Sample Parts Kit
WNG offers a Sample Parts Kit to aid technicians in determining which parts will work best on a specific piano. The kit consists of several pre-assembled shanks and repetition assemblies that will fit most common piano brands and which can be installed on a trial basis. It also contains a variety of flanges, shanks, and knuckles so that a custom action can be built to match most pianos. With nine different repetition heel heights that can be placed in fourteen different positions, a technician has the ability to experiment with different combinations to improve the geometry of the piano action.

Part Number: 06-5231